Friday, May 6, 2016

Back to the Land...

Sometimes, even with the Homesteading and Mountain Woman living I do, I feel like there could be some much more I could be doing.  I also feel very disconnected from the land sometimes.  Living close to nature, be it a desert, a forest, the sea, or great prairies/savannas, is healing to the soul.  To be close to the earth, to feel it beneath the feet, to be connected.  Closeness, connectedness, a feeling of belonging.  So many of us struggle with those feeling those thoughts.  Yet out here in the garden, it seems so easy to find, even if a bit thorny at times...literally!

One of the easiest way to start restoring ourselves, and getting back to our roots, is starting connecting to the land again.  How?

  • Grow plants in windows.
  • Work a a co-op/urban garden.
  • Learning to preserve our own foods.
  • Walk daily at a wild space or park.
  • Swimming in the wilds
  • Vacation camping out in tents in the wilderness.
  • Going to Fur Trade Era Rendezvous.
  • Save up and buy land.

So many ways to start working toward returning to the land, which one will you pick?  Are there others I missed?

~ Michelle